
Maroa-Forsyth will use eLearning Days if it is unsafe to get to school.

Our priority is always student and staff safety, and decisions will be made that focus on that first and foremost. We will work to make a decision as soon as possible so that families can make plans, but as you know, our weather is often unpredictable.

eLearning FAQs

How will I know it is an eLearning Day?

The district will notify parents through School Messenger, the district's Facebook page, and local TV and radio outlets.

What is an eLearning Day?

An “eLearning Day” approach allows us to provide an “instructional day” even if our buildings are not open due to weather. If the weather does not permit us to be in session, we will deploy an “eLearning Day.” These days, teachers and administrators will e-mail and post assignments, lessons, and activities to parents and students by 8:30 a.m. Teachers will be available via e-mail to answer questions as they arise.

How will this look different at each grade level?

Each building has plans for the needs of its age groups and learners. Middle school and high school staff will use Google Classroom for assignments, and the grade school will utilize packets for learning activities for their students. Teachers are available by e-mail to answer parent and student questions.

When are teachers available to answer questions?

Staff will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and then again from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

If you have more specific questions, please contact your child’s building administrator, who can help you with the necessary information.

Google Classroom Help

Check out these resources for families to help with remote learning.