Board Briefs

January 21, 2025

From January 20, 2025 Board Meeting

The Maroa-Forsyth CUSD#2 Board of Education held its monthly board meeting on January 20th, 2025, at 6:30 in the MFHS library.

The board heard good news about the MFHS students named Illinois State Scholars for the 2024-2025 school year. Students earn this recognition with a combination of their 6th semester GPA, SAT/ACT score, and class rank. The board congratulated the students and their families on this great accomplishment and wished them well in their future endeavors.

The board approved the following items in the consent agenda.

  • Approved the minutes of the tax levy hearing, regular and closed sessions from December 16th, 2024
  • Approved the financial report.
  • Approved the bills as presented.
  • Approved the destruction of audio of closed session minutes 18 months or older.
  • Approved the resignation of Kaylyn Ferguson, GS lunch supervisor
  • Approve Alec Martin, HS baseball volunteer assistant.
  • Approved the resignation of Riley Boysen, GS teacher, effective May 27th, 2025
  • Approved the hiring of Tom Leggett as GS nighttime custodian
  • Approved Carol Brown as an authorized signer on all district financial accounts.
  • Approved the list of personnel to be presented to the county clerk for the statement of economic interest.

New Business

  • The board approved the Senior Trip on March 11th-12th to the Wisconsin Dells.
  • Updates to the MFHS course guide were approved as presented. The updates included additional dual credit courses with ADM and Caterpillar. Updates were also made to allow freshmen to double up in Algebra II and Geometry to match the ability of sophomores to do that. The grading in the weights class was changed to account for 80% of the grade based on participation.
  • The High School Graduation date was set for May 23rd at 7:30 at the MFHS gym.
  • Title IX Update: Mr. Ibbotson provided the board with an update on the Title IX regulations. A recent court ruling made the 2024 regulations null and void. The Title IX and non-discrimination coordinators will remain the same, but Mr. Ibbotson is waiting for legal advice on the policy's next steps for the board.
  • Vision 2030 The board heard information regarding Vision 2030. This is a joint advocacy initiative. It centers on keeping students safe, retaining high-quality educators, enhancing post-secondary success, and improving the measurement of what works. The board passed a resolution in support of this initiative.
  • Roofing Project Update: Mr. Ibbotson shared information regarding using Ominia as a purchasing cooperative for roof repair and restoration at the HS and the rubber roof sections at the GS. A bid walkthrough will take place on 1/23/25 with the hope of bringing a recommendation to the board at the February meeting.
  • Sign Replacement-Mr. Ibbotson presented information to the board on redoing the sign on the west side of the track/football complex. ACE sign company had a proposal for a sign with the Maroa-Forsyth logo that would be illuminated. The facilities and finance committee had it on the list of potential projects for the year. The Village of Forsyth and the City of Maroa will help with some of the purchase of the sign, and the district will finance the rest. The purchase of the sign was approved through the capital projects fund.
  • Village of Forsyth Agreement for ball fields for 2025. -The board heard about the lease for using softball and baseball fields at Forsyth Park. This is a one-year agreement for 2025 and will be re-evaluated annually. The board approved the lease agreement.

Old Business

  • The board reviewed the principal and athletic reports as presented.
  • Board member Jill Feinstein shared her liaison report highlighting Vision 2030 and the upcoming region meeting at New Berlin on March 6th.

The board went into executive session for the following:

  • For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, or performance of specific employees of the public body, Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

After the executive session, the board adjourned the meeting.

With Trojan Pride,

Adam Ibbotson