From February 12, 2024 board meeting
The board of education held their regular board meeting on February 12, 2024 in the high school library. The following items were acted upon or discussed during the meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kinsley Karlie Fenton and Parker Meek they are members of our elementary student council.
The board heard many good news items taking place in the school district. The board recognized Dathan Lidy for his selection to the All State Band. Dathan plays the French Horn, the board also recognized Chris Renfro for his selection to the All State Orchestra, Chris plays the trombone. In addition, the board recognized Kristen Tuan for receiving the Gold Key in recognition of her fashion Design. This is the highest award given by Scholastic Art. Kristen’s design will now be entered into national competition.
The board approved the minutes of the regular and closed session meeting minutes held on January 16,2024.
The board approved the financial report and monthly bills for the month.
The board approved the destruction of audio closed session minutes 18 months or older.
The board approved the hiring of Jacqueline Dannenberg as a full time sub bus driver.
The board accepted the resignation of Bailey Walker as freshman volleyball coach.
The board accepted the resignation Brandon Viken as JH assistant baseball coach.
The board approved the 2024-25 school calendar for next year. The final calendar will now go to the Regional Office of Education for approval. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on two evenings during a two-week window beginning 9/30-10/9. The conferences will be held for 3 hours on two nights as determined by your building.
The board approved a three-year lease agreement with Midwest Transit for the leasing 20-72 passenger buses, 2- 61 passenger buses with lifts and 2-18 +1 passenger lift buses. The buses will have interior cameras and a camera on the stop arm along with 2-way radios.
The board reviewed principal reports as presented.
Illinois Association of School Board liaison Jill Feinstein updated the board on school board association happenings.
The board approved 1 year extensions for Brice Stewart, Nate Sheppard, Carrie Reynolds, Lori McCoy, and Phil Applebee. I am proud of the work these principals due on behalf of the school district, staff and students.
The board approved the hiring of Erin Atherton as part-time math teacher for the 2024-25 school year.
Special note to faculty and staff:
As we celebrate Black History month and all throughout the year it is imperative that we teach our students the importance of recognizing all races and nationalities with the dignity and respect they deserve. With recent incidents of racial harassment within our district it is important that we teach appreciation and respect for the cultural diversity that we have in our schools to our students and when an incident occurs that we address it with not only the students but with the parents as well. There is no place for racial harassment in the Maroa-Forsyth School District.
If you have any questions, please contact myself or Leo.
With Trojan Pride,
Dr. Holmes