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Whether you are looking to reminisce, honor a classmate, or reconnect with old friends, you've come to the right place!
Your link to Trojan tradition remains even after graduation. Whether you graduated three years ago or three decades ago, you are always a part of the Maroa-Forsyth family.
These pages provide information that MF alums might be interested in, such as:
- Reunion updates
- MF Hall of Fame, where you can view current recipients and submit nominations for future Hall of Fame candidates
- Wall of Valor, which lists Maroa and MF graduates who are currently serving in the military or have served in the past
- Current school activities that alum might wish to attend, such as musicals, concerts, FFA, and more
- A link to the current MF alum newsletter, the Trojainaire-Alumni Edition
In 2019, the school district began gathering current information from alumni in hopes of keeping former students in touch with current district events through email newsletters. So far, over 700 alum have signed up with their information. If you have not done so already, take a moment to fill out the alumni information form at the bottom of this page.
We hope to hear from you soon and remember ….
It’s [always] a great day to be a Trojan.
Hall of Fame Inductees
See whose been honored in past years.
Trojanaire-Alumni Edition
A newsletter for the alumni, former faculty, and supporters